Here are the pictures from the 2011 reunion at Fort Rucker, AL. Jim Bodkin, chairman,  For quicker loading there is a differert link for each page containing just 15 pictures. Most of these picture were taken by John Flynn.

1. 2011 Reunion pictures 1-15
2. 2011 Reunion pictures 16-30
3. 2011 Reunion pictures 31-45
4. 2011 Reunion pictures 46-60
5. 2011 Reunion pictures 61-75
6. 2011 Reunion pictures 76+

Return to Reunion Picture Page


The 2011 Reunion of the units of the 145th CAB was held 16 to 19 June 2011. James Bodkin was the Reunion chairperson with a lot of help from Ron Manning and Howard Smith. The 1st Bn, 145th Avn made it all possible and the guidance of Chuck Frye (CSM Ret) and Richard Kenyon (MG Ret) set the model to copy.  We started off with the Registration and  Early bird Reception. On Friday we started off with the Change of Command for the 1-145th Avn, then a Welcome Brief and FT Rucker update. We were treated to an outstanding static display of a AH64, UH-60 and a Kiawa. We then toured the new flight simulator center and even got some stick time, truly outstanding.  On Saturday we started with some social time and a presentation  from two of our member who returned to Vietnam with National Geographic "Helicopter Wars, Vietnam Firefight". Tom Baca and Jack Swickard put on an outstand presentation on the 14 May 1967 mission. At our business meeting decided a few ideas for the 2013 Reunion at Gettyburg, decided to try Ft Rucker again in 2015 and decided to lower the price of life membership to $200. From there we were treated to a picnic hosted by the 1-145th Avn. On Saturday night we had our Banquet Dinner at the Daleville Community Hall. Our very special guest speaker was CW4 Larry Catagneto, Safety officer with the 1st Avn Bde, also larry is the longest continuous serving active duty warrant officer in the Army. Larry talked about the recent retirement of the UH-1, and all those who crewed her in Vietnam. For those who would like to read Larry's remarks at Ft Ruckers retirement of the Huey you can type in "huey retirement" into a search engine and I will try to get the article on our web page. Its well worth the read. On Sunday we concluded the Reunion  with a Non-Denominational Memorial Service at the hotel with the 1-145th Avn Chaplains then said our good-byes.
A truly great and memorable Reunion